Standort Hettstedt / JFB


Various functions are available as part of the map.

mouse/touch operation
  • moving by grabbing the map with a mouse-click you can move the map around
  • overview map using the < button in the bottom right of the map you can expand an overview map
  • zooming in and out using the + and - buttons in the top left of the map you can obtain more or less detail in the map
  • switching themes or maps clicking on the ≡ icon on the right-hand side of the map you can view and select available maps and themes
  • retrieving information the map may contain elements that contain more information, by clicking these a popup will show this information
  • fullscreen display using the ⛶ button the map can be maximized to fullscreen display, use the ▢ button to return to page display.
keyboard operation

Keyboard operation becomes available after activating the map using the tab key (the map will show a focus indicator ring).

  • moving using the arrow keys you can move the map
  • overview map using the + button in the bottom right of the map you can expand an overview map
  • zooming in and out using the + and - buttons in the top left of the map or by using the + and - keys you can obtain more or less detail in the map
  • switching themes or maps clicking on the ≡ icon on the right-hand side of the map you can view and select available maps and themes
  • retrieving information the map may contain elements that contain more information, using the i key you can activate a cursor that may be moved using the arrow keys, pressing the enter will execute an information retrieval. press the i or the escape key to return to navigation mode
  • fullscreen display using the ⛶ button the map can be maximized to fullscreen display, use the ▢ button to return to page display.

It's possible that some of the functions or buttons describe above have been disabled by the page author or the administrator


Points of Interest
id symbol latitude longitude description
1 marker_arrow 51.64690º 11.51260º

Landkreis Mansfeld-Südharz
Jugend- und Familienberatungsstelle (JFB) - Standort Hettstedt

Markt 6
06333 Hettstedt

0 34 64 - 535 34 7

Jugend- und Familienberatungsstelle (JFB) Montag 7:30 - 12:30 u. 13:00 - 15:30
Lindenallee 56 / Haus 2 Dienstag 7:30 - 12:30 u. 13:00 - 18:00
06295 Lutherstadt Eisleben Mittwoch 7:30 - 12:30 u. 13:00 - 15:30
Tel.: 0 34 64 - 535 34 71 Donnerstag 7:30 - 12:30 u. 13:00 - 18:00
Fax: 0 34 64 - 535 34 90 Freitag 7:30 - 12:30
Frau Reisser
FACHBERATERINNEN/ FACHBERATER Ausserdem besteht die Möglichkeit, Beratungstermine,
Herr Jeckel (Dipl.-Psychologe) ausserhalb der üblichen Öffnungszeiten zu vereinbaren.
Frau Heine (Dipl.-Sozialarbeiter)
Frau Trautmann (Dipl.-Sozialarbeiter)
POST - ADRESSE Mittwochs finden i.d.R. auch Beratungsgespräche
Landkreis Mansfeld-Südharz / JUG nach Vereinbarung in Hettstedt statt.
Jugend- und Familienberatungssstelle (JFB) (06333 Hettstedt, Markt 6, Beratungsraum JFB)
Postfach 10 11 35
06511 Sangerhausen