Fancysearch Plugin

The fancysearch form with an opened namespace dropdown box

The fancysearch plugin provides a dropdown list for common namespaces enhancing the search input.

This (German) screencast shows the plugin in action:

Download and Installation

Download and install the plugin using the Plugin Manager using the following URL:

Refer to Plugins on how to install plugins manually.

The fancysearch plugin needs the jQuery plugin.

After installation, you have to do much integration work. A first step is to include the fancysearch form in your template:

    $namespaces = array('nsid' => array('txt' => 'nscaption', 'img' => 'imglink'));
    $fancysearch = plugin_load('action', 'fancysearch');
    if (!is_null($fancysearch)) {
        $fancysearch->tpl_searchform($namespaces, 'allpagesimg');
    } else {

You will need much CSS styling as well.